Suppose you were able to choose three fossils to extract DNA from and your goal was to test the hypothesis that completely modern humans evolved in Africa. Which three would you pick? Explain why.
Important information: This discussion is to focus on MODERN humans. That means hominids that appeared in the fossil record after 300kya. Please focus on the topic. Consider how you would use DNA to test the origins of modern humans. No discussion of apes, australopithecines and earlier species of the genus Homo (before 500 kya) in your answer.
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. DNA might come from sources like the sweat, blood, or even urine, deposited and preserved from in the soil. By looking at the environment within which the modern humans supposedly lived, an archaeologist might find DNA strands no matter how small it might seem. An example is the use of DNA strands from a cave in Belgium to ascertain the existence of Neanderthals (McKie, 2017). The archaeologists believe that the DNA strands might have come from the sweat or blood of the Neanderthals that lived in that cave.