For this assignment, let’s examine how these three narratives are in conversation with each other.
In the text entry (Links to an external site.), answer the question below in a paragraph. Be thoughtful with your response and be sure to explain how all are collectively answering the question. Your response should avoid using incomplete sentences or sparse answers, for they will result in partial credit. You may refer to the sample analyses from the previous module pageas a guide to how you should answer the question below:
How does one of the narratives (Malcolm X or Helen Keller) either illustrate, clarify, or extend on one of the articles (Susanne K. Langer or Lera Borodtisky)?
Requirements: Depending on the question
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She knew that the learned word “meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand, That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free” (par. 50). On this note, Keller felt empowered and gained freedom that intellectually awakened her to share her feelings and thoughts regarding finding purpose in life. Despite being angry initially since her teacher, Anne kept saying words that made her feel lost, Keller got a transformed mindset through language. As Langer (15) emphasizes, “Language is the highest and most amazing achievement of the symbolistic human mind.” Keller illustrates the statement by Langer by expressing how her empowerment moment helped her realize that she could sweep away barriers of language and move on with life as she envisioned.