Myth and Literature

Myth and Literature

Discuss elements of Hades interactions with the dead in the Underworld. As you have already noted that Tartarus is somewhat equivalent to contemporary notions of hell, how much do YOU think ancient concepts of the underworld are still reflected today?

4-5 paragraphs


1.5 spacing


Maurizio, L. (2015). Classical mythology in context.
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Hades as a god and a ruler got the unseen place of the underworld far away from the seas, sky, and earth. He incorporated the idea of the good and the evil, and for this reason, he was an important god. This was a place where the souls of the dead went when they left the world (Maurizio, 2015). The only things he could hear from the world of the living were voices of those who called his name and those of the dead. Hades was a ruthless and a cruel ruler of the underworld who rarely went to earth because his hands were full in the underworld. Lack of moral discipline would make him go mad, and for this, he was considered very stubborn. He was unkind and could not be persuaded by any means. The living conditions in the underworld were very frightful that even Hades himself feared that other gods and mortal would be exposed to this kind of chaos…

(600 words)

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