Native American music.

INTERVIEW one individual affiliated with Native American music and it’s functions and purpose. This person MUST be someone who is a musician and actively participates or has participated in the music you are researching. You may also interview a scholar who has credentials in the topic you are studying. The interviewee should not simply be a fan or amateur collector of the music, although students are welcome to interview such individuals for additional information. Again: THE MAIN INTERVIEWEE MUST CURRENTLY OR IN THE PAST BEEN A MUSICIAN OR SCHOLAR ASSOCIATED WITH THE MUSIC YOU ARE RESEARCHING. In the section, give some background about the person AND include quotes from the interview. You may to ask if the person consents to an audio or video recording.

WRITE THIS SECTION IN PARAGRAPH FORM! Avoid dropping in Q & A or en entire transcription of the interview.

Please just focus on the topic and make it interesting. my professor is a really tough grader.

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Through the interview, I asked Pura Fe her perceptions on the functions of the Native American and her detailed response was quite informative. She informed me that the Native music played significant tasks in most of the tribe’s rituals as well as celebrations. For instance, she informed me how boys in her tribe were taught Native songs to sing during their initiation rituals. The boys were expected to learn and practice the songs while being supervised by adults in a designated forest camp only a few kilometers from their village. She further elaborated how in her community, they came up with songs for ceremonies like curing rituals. In her words, she said, “The beliefs and practices of the Native Americans were based on the culture of shamanism where medicine men used their power to heal or make future premonitions.”

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