Native American studies

Native American studies

Native American studies essay! instruction listed below


Write an essay on the following topic – see below. Remember to analyze and connect your thoughts. Please provide a Cover Sheet with your title of the essay, your name, and the course number (AN 210). (Yes, I want a cover sheet).You should edit your essay before you send it to me. Your papers should be 4- 5 pages in length, double-spaced and font 12. Save your paper as an RTF (Rich Text Format) or a Microsoft Word Document. NOTE> Do not submit a PDF formatted Paper or a paper in some off the wall format that cannot be opened and downloaded. Your paper should have some in text citations of resources used. Then, submit it to me via the Blackboard Assignment area. (It is like an email with an attachment…as you did with the Mid-Term Essay – see the instructions in the Announcement section Main Menu). Make sure that you upload the essay by returning to the “Assignment Area” – then, click onto the Title > “Final Essay.” A new pane will open up and you will find a “Browse” button. Click it and then find your paper and attach it. This is connected to the Grade Book. Also, I am required to evaluate your papers and submit a final grade to the Registrar at NHTI on time. I therefore need your papers NLT then COB August 23, 2017. (I would like it before then if possible). If you are too late you will receive a “F” for the Final Exam and your grade will be calculated based on the points from your Mid-term essay and participation points earned. You must qualify in order to receive an “Incomplete” for a grade. Note: An Incomplete must be documented for a very good reason. I am giving you plenty of time to do this paper. Please do not procrastinate. Save your Final Essay as… Final210_ first initial of first name and then, your last name. Example: Final210_KWinkelman. Questions? >> email me.


Given the reading assignments and the lecture notes and my input tell me what you have learned or can draw from this American Indian Studies course.That is, your thoughts and perceptions of Native peoples, their culture, and Life-ways and the history. What have you learned that affects your thinking of these people, their culture, and life-ways that you did NOT know or understand prior to taking this course? What is important to you? In short, what are you taking away from this whole experience? Analyze what you discuss and explain in your essay. Use examples of our discussions and the material I provided you during the semester (cite Resources – that is, in text citations). Use your text, guide-notes and my Collaborate lectures. Organize your paper – edit it – post some citations and supporting references. I do not want just opinions. Please justify your thoughts. To an extent, you are designing your own final exam – understand?

SUGGESTION: open your mind use your various senses – you do not have to believe in Native American value systems but you should have an understanding and appreciation for differences in cultural values. You may approach this essay in many ways. What is important is for you to articulate and analyze not what is right or wrong but “difference and sameness” in understanding the world we all live in. Think about your theme and what you are trying to tell your reader. What have you learned about American Indian Culture that you could articulate to others?

NOTE >>Also, I would like you to write a paragraph (at the end of the essay) concerning online learning. What was a surprise to you? What did you like and/or did not like about this modality of learning compared to a traditional classroom? Do you think the synchronous Collaborate chat/virtual classroom added a new dimension to the online learning experience?

Answer Preview

The symbol for native American is used in many sporting teams and organizations as a mascot something has sparked controversies for some time.Indians boast of a high culture which has been practiced over the years and is passed from generation to generation. (Brown, 2009). They still practice music and art.A museum was established…

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