Need 5 annotated bibliographies over child abuse and a self edit form over the bibliographies

Need 5 annotated bibliographies over child abuse and a self edit form over the bibliographies

An annotated bibliography is a paper in which you summarize/paraphrase what the article is about, and includes a critical evaluation of the article. You must include author/s credentials. You must also include a brief statement re why this article is important to your research and/or how you intend to use it. For example, it might contain important background info, statistics, etc. You must also include a quote or two from the article and cite afterwards.

There must be a title page-the title is: Annotated Bibliographies. The heading of the first page of each annotation is a Works Cited listing (with all of the usual bibliographic information). Each annotation must be one and a half to two pages in length. You must have a working link to each article on the Works Cited, or it will count as no article, and will result in a failing grade. There will be a final total of fifteen copies of articles. We will be working on summarizing, paraphrasing, citing, and finding good, scholarly sources.

NOTE: If your topic has multiple viewpoints, one or two articles must address the opposite views.

Grading Criteria for final Paper III:

1) correct References/Works Cited format

2) organization of body of each annotation

3) ability to summarize/paraphrase source

4) critical evaluation of source; including author/s’ credentials

5) inclusion of statement of use of article

6) mechanics: spelling, sentence structure, grammar, etc.

7) inclusion of articles; use of credible sources

8) previously completed annotations & peer edits

9) proper use of quotes in text and correct in text citing

Self -Edit: Your Name:

1) What are the names of the authors?

2) What is the title of the article and journal?

3) What year was the article published?

4) What are the author/s credentials?

5) Was a quote used?If yes, was the citation correct?If not, write the correction:

6) What is the key idea in the paper, according to your annotation?Do you need to revise this?

7) Did you include why you are using this article?If not, add this.

8) Do you use paragraphs (not one long paragraph), and have you cited at the end of paragraphs?

9) If you have one long paragraph, where do you need to begin new paragraphs?

10) Explain why your sources are credible:

11) Is the Reference/Works Cited section at the head of each annotation, and is it correct?Revise if needed.

12) Is your spelling, punctuation, verb tense correct?Where are errors?

13) If your annotation is shorter than one and a half pages, where can you add more information?

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This is due Friday and the citations have to be MLA format. Also, there has to be a quote or two from the article
Answer  preview
 In their article titled “Child abuse and physical health in adulthood,” Tracie, Harriet, Michael, Kristene Tamara, Sarah, and Jitender analyze the impact of child abuse on physical health during adulthood. The article was published in 2016.  According to Afifi et al., child abuse present negative consequences (2). Studies show 32 percent of Canadians have encountered sexual abuse, physical abuse, or exposure to intimate partner violence during their childhood. According to Afifi et al., the study shows a high connection between child abuse and physical health. Indeed, there is a research gap between child abuse’s impact on the victim’s physical
2941  words

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