Nursing Question

Nursing Question

Needs Assessment

Observe and assess the state of your current health care organization( Skilled Nursing Home), a needs assessment is necessary to identify areas for potential growth. Use the “Needs Assessment Matrix” resource to complete your needs assessment. You are required to analyze required functions, department or employment needs, jobs or tasks, and current trainings in order to complete your matrix for a Nurse Educator and a Clinical Nurse Manager

Job Descriptions

Once your needs assessment is complete for both Position (Nurse Educator and Clinical Nurse Manager) you are required to develop a one-page detailed job description for that position that is informed by the findings of the needs assessment. It is recommended that you take the time to conduct a job analysis and observe current employees in the selected positions to accurately depict the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that must be incorporated into the job description. Make sure the job description is based on the needs and available resources of the organization, and that it adheres to all applicable labor laws.


Read “Get It in Writing: Creating Effective and Legal Job Descriptions,” from HR Specialist: Ohio Employment Law (2010).

“Recruiting, Interviewing, Selection, and Termination,” located on the About Money website. Click on multiple links to learn more about the interview process and selection process.

Answer preview

The healthcare environment is a unique professional space owing to the immense delicate nature of services that practitioners provide. These are individuals entrusted with human life as they make decisions that affect other people’s wellbeing, and any errors may result in extremely adverse consequences. In this regard, employee acquisition is a significant process in healthcare environments because having qualified personnel in administrative roles smooths organizational operations. The needs assessment identifies common risks concerning nurses’ adaptability to their changing roles within the organization and the broader healthcare environment. The needs assessment section crucially highlights the need to create a framework that facilitates organizational learning. Prudent and coordinated use of resources is another vital aspect for which the entire process of needs assessment and job description seeks to pave the way


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