Obedience to Authority
Choose a topic and answer questions
This week, you have a choice of topics:
Choice 1:
Your textbook discusses Stanley Milgram’s famous social psychology experiment, Obedience to Authority. Watch this
, which contains some of the original footage of Milgram’s experiment:
For this assignment, please answer the following four questions…..
- What did Milgram find out?
- What were the ethical implications?
- How can Milgram’s findings be applied?
- Any comments/impressions about this research?
Choice 2:
The area of social psychology is very broad with many experiments. One famous experiment is the Stanford Prison Experiment conducted by Philip Zimbardo.
View this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKW_MzREPp4 for the Stanford Prison Experiment documentary.
Finally, go to the slide show here:
http://www.prisonexp.org/the-story on the Stanford Prison Experiment .
After going through the slides (it is somewhat lengthy):
- Please go to: http://www.prisonexp.org/discussion-questions and select a discussion question to answer.Also, please answer the following two questions:
- What are some of the ethical implications of the study?
- What are your thoughts about whether or not this study should have been conducted?
Preview YouTube video Milgram Obedience Study

Preview YouTube video Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment

Answer PreviewIn 1960, a famous social psychologist conducted a research aimed at identifying why people obeyed authority blindly. It was also aimed at clarifying between the conflict of obedience to authority and personal conscience. Milgram wanted to find out how humane human beings would carry out the killings of the Jews in Germany during the Nazi regime without…