Op-Ed Assignment

Op-Ed Assignment

“What should the federal government do to reduce the national debt (if anything)?”You can frame your response on one or more of the following questions:

  • Should we raise taxes substantially? If so, what types of taxes should we use?
  • Should we cut spending programs? If so, what program(s) should we cut?
  • Should we not worry about the debt? If so, explain why you don’t think it is a big deal.

The same rules will apply in terms of length and format. Write a 700-800 word Op-Ed taking a side on this issue. Please make sure it is double spaced, includes your name on the top-left corner, is properly cited using APA format (ideally you should have 3-5 references; they can include news articles, research papers, books, etc.), and draws from sound economic arguments.

Answer preview

This paper presents an argument in support of an initiative by the federal government to reduce the national debt.  The US national debt has increased constantly over the years. With the US national deficit increasing to $ 1 trillion in 2020, the risk of debt is high (Stein, 2020, January 28).  The federal government has a responsibility to reduce the national debt. The appropriate method of reducing the national is to focus on the specific factors which have caused a significant increase in the national deficit…

(800 words)

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