Organizational behaviour

Organizational behaviour case study


1. Identify some of the problems likely to occur in a boundaryless organization like Newskool Grooves. What are the advantages of boundaryless organization?

2. What is the corporate culture of the boundaryless organization? Do you think it is beneficial for the business or not?

Based on the above questions, write down a report to answer all of the questions and make sure the report is an integrated one.

Requirements: 1000… textbook link, please read the case in attached file and then ans

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Organization structure denotes how a company structures its activities and operations to ensure the attainment of set out objectives and goals. There are numerous forms of organizational structures companies can adopt, depending on their needs and the goals they want to achieve (Robbins & Judge, 2016). Some of the common organizational structures include entrepreneurial, functional, divisional, strategic, and boundaryless structures. Every organization structure has its sets of problems and benefits. As such, this paper will focus on analyzing a boundary less organization, Newskool Grooves, to establish the problems it faces and the benefits adopting such an organization structure bestows on them.


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