Your Final Project for this course will consist of a narrative/report in which you will apply what you have learned in this course, including presenting a research question related to a dataset, exploring variables that relate to this research question, analyzing the data using descriptive and inferential statistics, describing your results, and discussing your findings, limitations, implications, and possibilities for future research.
Assignment (4–6 pages, not including title page, tables and figures, and reference pages. The number of paragraphs in the outline below are recommended ranges and not requirements):
Introduction (1 paragraph)
Present your research question and state your hypothesis.
Procedures used to select, clean, and manage variables from your dataset
Analysis (include any tables that display the statistical analyses you conducted on your selected variables)
Note: Provide a citation for any reference you use to support your analysis
Results (2–4 paragraphs) (include any figures you feel are necessary to support your results)
Provide a summary of your findings.
Discussion (4–6 paragraphs)
Explain whether your findings answered your research question.
Describe whether you can draw causal conclusions based on the data and explain why (or why not).
Explain any limitations that can limit the reliability or generalizability of your findings (i.e., sample size, sampling strategy, ethical issues, threats to internal and/or external validity, or any other flaws).
Discuss the implications of your findings regarding how they might effect positive social change.
Based on your findings, what might be the possibilities for future research regarding your research question and topics?
And there is another tempalet that needs to be filled.
Use proper APA style.
Requirements: Template to fill the remaining parts & assignment 4 to 6 pages | .doc file
So this is a two-part assignment, the first part is completing the remaining part of a template that has been previously approved by the instruction. And the second part is a 4 to 6-page assignment.
I am attaching all the required resources needed for this project.
Answer preview
From the study, it is clear the research findings answered the research questions. Employers are more likely to motivate employees to enhance long-term commitment to the firm in the following ways. First, they should value their employees and integrate them in decisions making process. In so doing, employees feel highly valued by their employees, thus boosting their commitment to the organization. Secondly, the employer should pay them well. Employees receiving better payment are more likely to work for the company for a longer time. The data indicate that well paid and valued employees are more likely to feel satisfied and record a high sold efficacy rate.