Understanding the research methods utilized in the literature you are reviewing to support your problem statement, purpose of your study, and that eventually make up your literature review is important to your Study. In this week’s Discussion you will review and critique a qualitative, a quantitative, and a mixed methods research article related to your Study topic. You will summarize each article and critique the relevance of the research and methodology for your peers.

By Day 3

Post post a summary of each of your three articles including: ATTACHED ARTICLES ( in order, qualitative, quantitative an mix methods).

  • Brief Summary of each article of OSTEOPOROSIS PREVENTION and critique the relevance of the research and methodology for your peers.
  • Research methodology
  • How this research supports your topic, including the methodologic support
  • Support your Discussion with citations and specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the resources for this course.
  • References:
    • Alamri, S. H., Kennedy, C. C., Marr, S., Lohfeld, L., Skidmore, C. J., & Papaioannou, A. (2015). Strategies to overcome barriers to implementing osteoporosis and fracture prevention guidelines in long-term care: A qualitative analysis of action plans suggested by front line staff in ontario, canada. BMC Geriatrics, 15(1), 94. doi:10.1186/s12877-015-0099-8
  • Yang, L., Udall, W. J., M., Mccloskey, E. V., & Eastell, R. (2014). Distribution of bone density and cortical thickness in the proximal femur and their association with hip fracture in postmenopausal women: A quantitative computed tomography study. Osteoporosis International, 25(1), 251-63. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00198-013-2401-y
  • Marques, A., Ferreira, R. J. O., Santos, E., Loza, E., Carmona, L., & da Silva, José António Pereira. (2015). The accuracy of osteoporotic fracture risk prediction tools: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(11), 1958. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-20790
3 Attachments
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The first article focusing on this particular problem has been written by Alamri, Kennedy and other authors who have focused on the qualitative analysis of the different action plans suggested in regards to the osteoporosis illness. The authors of this particular article focused on identifying the potential hindrances to evident-based practices for fracture prevention and osteoporosis in long-term care settings and also to provide the practical…
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