Overview of the Study and Strategy used to select the Sample

Overview of the Study and Strategy used to select the Sample

Questions of the week

******** please respond to the assignment below add citations and references 🙂 ********

Select a research article, other than the articles from your assignments, from the GCU library. Provide an overview of the study and describe the strategy that was used to select the sample from the population. Evaluate the effectiveness of the sampling method selected. Provide support for your answer. Include the article title and permalink in your post.


Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important. When responding to peers, provide other questions and answers that could be considered in relation to the peers’ studies.


Answer preview

Nair, U. S., Collins, B. N., & Napolitano, M. A. (2013). Differential effects of a body image exposure session on smoking urge between physically active and sedentary female         smokers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27(1), 322. Retrieved from:             https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3912/b42c90ec77267dd54a1a2a08d3fd65156077.pdf


Overview of the Study and Strategy used to select the Sample

Women use smoking as an avenue to address weight concerns, reduce anxiety, to enhance moods and to have a satisfying body image. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of physical activity to draw out smoking weight-related concerns and body image dissatisfaction from smoking among women with differences in physical exercise participation. Physical activity is a healthy practice that assists in addressing weight and body image concerns. The study also focuses on examining quitting scale of female…


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