
Cognitive Theories & Models


Cognitive Theories & Models

A theory termed the “Peak and Decline Model” describes aging and creativity in a restrictive sense, basing the theory on what has been observed in the past among persons that are famous for one reason or another. The theory states that humans age, reaching a personal critical age at which they are at their peak, and, due to this fact they produce their personal best work. The model states that most people are at their personal best in their late 30’s. This is when the cognitive and intellectual processes come together to make people the most creative that they will ever be. Presented as evidence to this theory are the many people that are famous throughout the past, such as Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity. In every field of human endeavor, whether it be the sciences, arts, engineering, or any other field, again and again the pattern repeats itself. Since there is so much evidence of achievement in this narrow span of years of age, from the thirties to the early forties in which so many have achieved so much that there was very little evidence to dispute this theory.

Proposed Case Vignette


Presentation of the Problem

Jesus is an eighteen year old Latino male. He, in May of last year, graduated from High School in Coahoma, Texas. Coahoma Texas is a very small town of about 1000 residents in west Texas. The closest metropolitan area is Midland/Odessa Texas with a population of about 250,000 combined people in the two cities. It is about a 90 minute drive from Coahoma to Midland/Odessa.

Jesus was an average high school student over the course of his high school education. His mother owns a small Mexican restaurant and is a citizen of the Republic of Mexico, as is his father, and oilfield worker.

Jesus is not a US citizen, having been born in Mexico. He has however been living in the US since he was a baby of just over one year of age.Jesus is fluent in the Spanish and English languages. The family speaks mostly Spanish inside the home.Jesus worked part time in his mother’s restaurant during his high school summers, and weekends during the school year.

Upon graduation Jesus was anxious to move away from Coahoma, realizing that there were limited employment opportunities in and around his home town. Jesus was not particularly interested in attending college or university, and didn’t really know what he wanted to be, so far as careers are concerned.

Priority of the Negotiation Issues


I have an assignment which is:

To prepare for your “role” (buyer vs. seller), you will need to read the confidential information about your role. The confidential information will be emailed to the buyers and sellers separately. Do NOT share this background information with your negotiating partner. It will ruin the fun of the exercise, and you won’t get nearly as much out of it.

Planning Document: This is an individual assignment. Please read your role confidential information, prepare for a planning document, save as a PDF file, and submit through Canvas. The planning document must be completed before you conduct the mock negotiation with your partner.

Financial statements


You will submit a report as well as the necessary spreadsheets for Section III of the final project.You will discuss acquisitions and the consolidation process. You will also create a hypothetical example of a consolidation worksheet to submit with your report.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

III. Acquisitions: The company is also considering acquiring another small company. Communicate the crucial elements of creating consolidated financial statements including the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows in the case of possibly acquiring another company.

A. If the company acquires another small company, assess how it would know if it has to consolidate its financial statements on an annual basis. Defend your response.

Password-based authentication and role-based authentication


What are the differences between password-based authentication and role-based authentication? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Nurse staffing


Length is 2-3 pages of apa format cover page and references. Two pages of text.

International trade


Corporate Profile Module III:

You are to include 3 independent articles in this section.

6 pages long


Why do companies engage in international trade? Is your company “global”? If it isn’t, why do you think it has chosen to remain purely domestic?

If it is global, what cultural and legal differences does it encounter in the global business environment?

What form of international business activity does it engage in?
Which strategic approaches does your company use?
If your company does not engage in international business activity, what country do you think would be good for your company’s expansion, and what strategic approach would you suggest?

If your company does have international operations, do you think the selected strategy

Malcolm X Life and Work


I need a 6 pages long research paper about Malcolm X. The requirement are:

Essay must have a multi-part thesis that previews the main points/discussion topics of the research paper
Research paper must be in MLA style/format

6 typed, double spaced, 12 pt. font (Times New Roman)
6 typed pages of text + 1 Works Cited page = 7 pages total
6 research sources required (minimum)
Must use variety of sources: books, articles from databases, journals, newspapers, etc. *** papers using ONLY internet websites will be returned with a failing grade

incorporate quotations into your essay
use parenthetical citation to document all sources used in the text of the paper

make sure all sources used in paper are cited on Works Cited page and vice versa
use lead-ins to introduce REQUIRED paraphrases

HR selection methods


Use an Academic Online Library to locate and review a scholarly article found in a peer-reviewed journal related to HR selection methods, analyzing work, designing jobs, or HR planning. In peer-reviewed journals, the articles were reviewed by other professionals in the field to ensure the accuracy and quality of the articles, which is ideal when writing an article critique.

Research tip: When researching using the databases, you can limit your search to only peer-reviewed articles. To do this, look for the phrase “limit results,” and select “peer-reviewed articles.”

Once you have selected your article, follow the below criteria:

There is a minimum requirement of 500 words for the article critique.
Write a summary of the article. This should be one to three paragraphs in length, depending on the length of the article. Include the purpose for the article, how research was conducted, the results, and other pertinent information from the article.
Identify the selection criteria and methods and how they relate to hiring at the organization in the article.

knowledge of the metabolic changes


Case Study Posting Requirements

Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.

Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks, or evidenced-based websites to support the content.

All sources must be within five years.
Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources

Case study #3

Kevin worked for 10 years at a uranium mine, excavating uranium for a nearby nuclear power plant. Now, 25 years later, he has small cell lung cancer. Kevin is anorexic and has lost a considerable amount of weight. His muscles are wasting, and he is weak. He tries to move around the house throughout the day but tires easily. It has been difficult for him to access care, and the treatment for his cancer is just starting.

Description of BMgmt Internship Program


All the requirement is in the first file, read it carefully, there are three pages of the requirement

This essay is very very important to me, need a A+ job,

also, do not contain plagiarism,

The most most important thing is not to have academic offence.

In the requirement, it does mention some content of the text book(Chapter 9 and Chapter 2), so I also attach the text book in the file, if you can’t open it, the text book is: Robbins S.P., Coulter M., Leach E. and Kilfoil M. (2015). Management (11th Canadian ed.).

Businesses and the Costs of Production


Here are the instructions:

Review the narrated lecture on Business and the Cost of Production

Review the concept of Economic Profit in the textbook (picture of the section attached)

Review the Khan Videos–variable–and-marginal-cost

Cognitive theory


To prepare:

Search the Internet or Walden Library and select a resource related to any cognitive theory and identify any limitations of this theory when applied to a non-Western culture.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4

Post a brief summary of the resource you found. From the resource, identify and explain any limitations of this theory when applied to a non-Western culture. Use proper APA format and citations.

School shootings


My point is that America should ban guns to avoid school shootings etc, so the death rate will decrease.

MLA format.

10 sources:

-2 books ( i will give the names)

-3 journal articles

-5 peer viewed new paper

One thing to mention in the papers: Compare American death rate by guns vs China and state

Global Environment Management


Discuss how this applies to International Strategy and discuss how we might introduce products from your countries here. Did you find anything that could be similar to markets in Alabama?

BMgmt Internship Program


All the requirement is in the first file, read it carefully, there are three pages of the requirement

This essay is very very important to me, need a A+ job,

also, do not contain plagiarism,

The most most important thing is not to have academic offence.

In the requirement, it does mention some content of the text book(Chapter 9 and Chapter 2), so I also attach the text book in the file, if you can’t open it, the text book is: Robbins S.P., Coulter M., Leach E. and Kilfoil M. (2015). Management (11th Canadian ed.). Toronto:

History and development of forensic science


Resource: Ch. 1 of Forensic Science

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you include the following:

Describe the history and development of forensic science.

Identify the many roles of the forensic science expert as is they relate to the forensic science disciplines.

Explain the capabilities of forensic science.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Leadership and Change


Watch this video and share your thoughts in discussion forum 2. (200 words)

Hospitality industry


Write about that I want to open my own seafood restaurant in China

Students will write a reflective paper researching the potential career opportunities in the hospitality industry. They will provide a realistic career path of interest to them, complete thorough research on the career of choice, and detail a plan of action on how they plan to attain their career goals in the hospitality industry.

This paper should be 1-2 pages in length, follow APA formatting requirements, and include

International trade and business


This report may come from ((The Economist, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times, etc.)) These reports should, among other things, include an introduction, relevance of material to International Business Management and conclusion/managerial implication. The articles must bear obvious, and not peripheral relevance to international business. and the article should be recent. The Report must not be

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