Pan- Africanism in the 21st Century

Pan- Africanism in the 21st Century

African History

Hi right now I have to do a short paragraph or abstract, and four sources typed written so if I accept you we have to do other task in the future which is 10 page research and this is the instructions so please so like what I need for today

Hi right now I have to do a short paragraph or abstract, and four sources typed written so if I accept you we have to do other task in the future which is 10 page research and this is the instructions so please so like what I need for today

Topic for the research paper must about or related to Africa or peoples of African descent globally. The topic can be about an event, idea, invention, belief, person, an organization or movement related to Africa or black peoplegloballyThe topic, a short paragraph or abstract, and four sources typed written due 9/21/18

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Pan African is a revolutionary paradigm for Africans at home and abroad that was developed of over 300 years ago with the intention to detach the continent and its people from the Scaffold of the Western colonial project. According to Beckles (2018), the enslaved Africans were scattered in Europe, America and the Asians continents and a diaspora consciousness led to activism contributing to the liberation of Africa, a movement existing in the 21st century though with different agendas. Hill (2015) describes modern Pan African consciousness as a product of political independence for Ghana in 1957. The Pan Africanism movement led to the formation of the Organization of African Union in 2002 (Murithi, 2017…
(250 words)
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