Panic Disorder Article

Panic Disorder Article


I have uploaded files that will help you complete my article. You can JUST quote from the PSY Article that is uploaded here. You should use APA format as shown in the template.

The Abstract part should be 2 pages

The rest of the article (Your Disorder, Background, Hypothesis, Methods, Result, conclusion) should be 3 pages.


Answer preview
This paper will cover panic disorders and panic attacks. First and foremost, I will start by defining what they are and the people that are most vulnerable to the disorder. I will also clearly outline my reasons for picking panic disorders as my research project while divulging the information which led to this research. I will include the outcomes of previous studies done on panic disorders as a whole and describe why the current research is necessary. In the hypothesis section, I will answer the question, “What are they expecting to happen?” I am also going to talk about the participants of the study and the mode of their selection, the procedures that were used and the reason why the study was conducted. The methods of data collection and their respective variables will also be tackled in this…
(1700 words)
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