Parent-Teacher Conference

Parent-Teacher Conference

Teacher Hot line

Dear Teacher Hot Line –

How important are first impressions? Last week I had my first parent -teacher conference. Without thinking I jokingly told a parent their child was a brat. The father got really angry and walked out; Now what do I do?

Signed, “out of answers”

Directions: In your response first, respond to this letter.

1. Should “out of answers” talk with the Director of the preschool or owner of the child care center?

2. And then what should be the next steps? How should “out of answers” talk with this angry parent?

3. Sometimes parents gossip – how would you respond to other parents who want to know what happened?

Answer preview

Parent-Teacher Conference

I would advise “Out of answers” to inform the director of the pre-school or the owner of the childcare center. In solving problems encountered within the school environment, teachers ought to make a distinction between issues that can be addressed at lower levels of management and those that should be escalated to higher authorities within the school. A minor problem such as a student engaging …

(700 words)

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