People of Irish Italian and Puerto Rican heritage.

People of Irish, Italian, and Puerto Rican heritage.

People of Irish Heritage.

People of Italian Heritage.

People of Puerto Rican Heritage.

Read chapter 23, 33 and 34 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Read content chapter 33 and 34 in Davis Plus Online Website. Once done answer the following questions;

1. Discuss the organization and the family role in every one of the heritages mentioned about and how they affect (positively or negatively) the delivery of health care.

2. Identify sociocultural variables within the Irish, Italian and Puerto Rican heritage and mention some examples.

Only the assignment must be attached in a word document in the forum. References must be no older than 5 years. A minimum of 700 words is required. APA format Times New Roman and 12 font

Note: You may have worked on this assignment before. Be careful to do a unique answer.

Answer preview

The Irish people, the Italian, and Puerto Rican are significant heritages in the American culture. For instance, there are over 38 million Americans of Irish descent. The paper highlights the organization and family roles in the Irish, Italian, and…

(1000 words)

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