People of Russian, Polish, Thai Heritage.

People of Russian, Polish, Thai Heritage.

People of Russian, Polish, Thai Heritage.



Read chapter 24, 22 & 36 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations.

Once done write an 800 words essay contracting the three study heritage.

Mention in the essay if there is any similarity in their healthcare belief. Mention how do they see health and disease and their customs to deal with them, also, discuss how they view dead. How their health care belief affect or influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare.

Read content chapter 36 in Davis Plus Online Website.

You must use at least 3 evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook) and post two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references. A minimum of 800 words (not counting the first and reference page are required).

This time beside the content and references I will count the assignment base of the number of words.

Answer preview

The United States is home to numerous immigrants from many destinations across the globe. Immigration comes with diversification, meaning that the health care sector in the United States needs to adapt to meet such persons effectively. Amongst the immigrants who found their way into the country were people of Polish, Thai, and Russian descent. Most of them still clung to their cultural heritage despite moving…

(1000 words)

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