This is where readers will have a chance to get an idea of what your essay will be about and what you will prove throughout. Do not give all of your information away here, but give readers a sample of what is to come. Do not forget to review your writing plan to make sure you are hitting all of the points that you planned out, while also stating your argument.
B. Compose an engaging thesis that states the argument that you will prove and support throughout your essay. This statement will give direction to your essay and should be well thought out.
A. Be sure that you write multiple paragraphs that are focused, clearly state their intent, and move logically from one to the other, building the thesis argument as the essay progresses.
B. Your body paragraphs should support your argument by combining thoughts and ideas with evidence from sources. There is no such thing as a right or wrong argument; the key is how it is supported and the quality of the evidence used.
Think of the conclusion as a review of your argument. Use this section to restate your argument and remind readers of your supporting evidence. Think of this as your last chance to persuade readers to agree with you.
A. Review your argument. This section should consist of a review of your main points employed to support your argument. Think of this as your last chance to prove your point or your closing arguments.
B. Your conclusion should articulate insights about your argument established through your essay. This should follow logically from your essay, referring to key points or quotes used to support your argument.
Topic: Abortion should not be permitted at all including in case of rape or incest
The first two links above may not be included as references if not necessary, there are just research I had done. If you find better you are free to use it. However, the ones on the writing plan are included.
Answer preview
All abortions are equal and involve violating the right to life of an innocent child and thus abortion should not be permitted at all including in case of incest or rape. All children are innocent and equal regardless of how the mother conceived and thus a child whose mother conceived by rape or incest is important just like a child conceived willingly. All forms of murder are also equal regardless of the stage in life a person is killed and thus abortion should be criminalized without any exception including in case of incest or rape. Trying to forget the agony of rape by killing the child through abortion is not a solution to the mother since there are other options such as giving the child for adoption. Every person has the right to life and abortion is murder which is a crime. Therefore, abortion should be totally criminalized including in the case of incest or rape because regardless of the way a child was conceived, this does not change the worth of his/her life.