Philosophy Active and Passive Euthanasia

Philosophy Active and Passive Euthanasia

Instructions: For this assignment, it is required that you write seven full pages on the article provided . Be SURE to summarize the view of argument presented in the article and react to something from that article by arguing in favor of something discussed in the article or arguing against something discussed in the article.

Citation and reference requirement: It is required that each essay cites, quotes, or at least make specific references to content from the articles that you discuss in each essay. Then, at the end of the essay, a bibliography should be included that lists the citation of the article you discuss, or any other courses that you might choose to discuss in the essay.

Formatting requirements:Font and spacing: The essays need to be written in 12 sized font, double spaced, and written in Times New Roman font. • Indentations only: To separate paragraphs, use indentations at the start of each new paragraph. DO NOT put any space between paragraphs: paragraphs should only be distinguished from one another by indentations, not by spaces between them.

Answer preview
Euthanasia also referred to as mercy is killing is the practice of putting an individual who is suffering from an ailment that is incurable or it is disabling, to death in a painless manner. The medical personnel can withdraw treatment or switch off life support at the request of the patient or the patients family in the event that the patient cannot speak for themselves.  Since most legal systems around the world have no provision for euthanasia, it’s considered as suicide it is performed by the patient and murder when another person performs it.  Medical personnel are however allowed under law to make the decision not to lengthen a patient’s life in the event that the patient is under so much extreme pain and suffering, the physician will only administer pain medication even if that will shorten the patient’s life (Rachels, 1975).   In recent times, many countries especially those in Europe have made adjustments to their laws to provide considerations in cases…
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