Philosophy Artifact & Reflection Paper:

Philosophy Artifact & Reflection Paper:

  1. Artifact

Format: Your Name:


Your Name:


  • Possible virtues: beauty, justice, courage, wisdom, moderation, virtue itself.
  • It must include, in bolded type, someone using an example as a definition.
  • It must include, in bolded type, one instance where someone thinks a non-essential quality is essential.
  • It must include, in bolded type, a categorical syllogism.
  • It must include, in bolded type, a compound syllogism.
  • Make it as interesting as you wish.
  • The Artifact should be one page single-spaced.
  1. ReflectionPaper
  • The first paragraph should focus on the artifact and what you learned from writing it.
  • The second paragraph should answer this question: How has your understanding of philosophy changed during the semester? In other words, what did you think about philosophy before the class? How do you think about it now? What do you think is the importance of philosophy in the future (in your future)?
  • The Reflection Paper should be one page double-spaced.

log info will be provided if notes needed


Answer  preview

The virtue of justice involves respecting the rights of others and avoiding any interference as long as it doesn’t tamper with other’s rights. For example, as Kant defines justice, it entails respecting other people’s autonomy, freedom and dignity without interfering with their actions as long they don’t violate other people’s rights (LeBar, 2014)

Socrates: Justice is a soul’s virtue, and any form of injustice is a vice (LeBar, 2014). This means if something performs well, it ensures justice in that performance, but lack of this virtue leads to bad performance. Thus, justice has an intrinsic and extrinsic value. The virtue will be selected for its rewards and consequence.

Name]: Then, why is justice pursued to ensure good results, especially for people in power but can result in harmful effects for people without power?  I think the extrinsic value is non-essential in the virtue of justice.

Socrates: Since justice is a soul’s virtue, I believe each part functions. This is to imply that just actions attract justice and vice versa. I liken this to observing healthy behaviors that attract good health while poor healthy behaviors attract poor health. Justice ensures appropriate living and wellness of the soul.


959  words























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