Philosophy writing

Philosophy writing question

Answer all parts of the question in a 1 1/2 page paper. Double spaced. No plagiarism nothing from internet will provide textbook.

According to Thomas Hobbes, all individuals are self-interested and competitive. Given this assessment of human nature, what does Hobbes think a state without government, or a state of nature, would be like? How can we get out of this state of nature according to Hobbes? Do you think that Hobbes is correct in his account of the origins of government?

Requirements: 1 1/2 page


Chapter 8 please no outside sources. Double spaced 1 1/2 pages.

Manuel G. Velasquez – Philosophy_ A Text with Rea…015 (©2017)).pdf

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Human nature inclines towards survival and abundance. Hobbes highlights these two needs as the sole purpose for self-gratification among societies. He also describes a society without a government in place. According to Velasquez (2017), governments remain in place whenever they can compel members of a society to otherwise do what they would normally not do. If there was no government then each person would do as they please. Hobbes thinks that individuals would pursue their self-interests over those of others creating unhealthy competition for survival and personal gain. He notes that the sole reason why individuals choose to disregard their self-interests and allow a government to govern them is that they find that the government meets their need for self-preservation or survival. Velasquez (2017) notes that over 60% of Americans think the government should do more to get people out of poverty and meet the basic needs of the poor. A society without a government would reduce chances for survival for anyone who has limited resources.


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