Phonological Awareness

Phonological Awareness

As discussed in Chapter 5 of our text and in the video Building Literacy Competencies in Early Childhood (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., exposure to stories, poetry, nursery rhymes, and songs encourages literacy development (Coats, 2013). Identify a piece of poetry, a nursery rhyme, or a song that can be used to encourage literacy development. Describe three different ways you would use this piece to help build phonological awareness. In addition, be sure to discuss how building these phonological awareness skills will promote literacy development.
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Exposing children to simple songs, nursery rhymes, stories and poetry helps in their literary development. Phonological awareness is a component crucial in early literacy development. It incorporates the use of phonemes, and these are small units of sound that are used in speech development such as vowels and consonants, to make up complete words. In phonological awareness, the children learn how to select rhyming words and also count the syllables appearing in a word ( The song, B-I-N-G-O is an excellent example of a nursery rhyme that can help in building phonological awareness.

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