Review the material on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (p. 41). In the forum I want you to discuss the following: 1. How do companies try to target our physiological needs to sell their products? What sort of slogans and/or images do they use? Give 3 (or more) examples of ads/commercials that you think are attempting to persuade us via our physiological needs (Does sex really sell?). 2. What about security needs? Give 3 (or more) examples of products that you think are targeting our need to feel safe/secure. Do companies ever use scary images or words to sell us something? Make sure you check all of your work for errors in spelling, punctuation, etc.
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Some of the advertisements that are attempting to persuade us via our physiological needs, for instance, the Bell Food advertisement on amazing sardines, the French fries and tomato ketchup necklace advertisement that will make you crave for French fries by Heinz. Another great ad on physiological needs is the advertisement on how to make drinking water out of thin air as seen on a billboard in Peru. Another example is the Dasani company advertisement on the water with the slogan, “Can’t live without it” is an ad demonstrating physiological need. And if anyone wonders if using sex in advertisements will help sell, the truth is it will. It is one of the useful and most reliable selling tools, and it will make every business win if they effectively know how to use it.