Picasso’s Cubist Art


I read the research, could you rewrite the “From 3D to 2DPicasso Cow“. I thought you misunderstand what I mean. I did attached the drawing:《Picasso Cow》in my last reply.

You could check this website: http://www.artyfactory.com/art_appreciation/animal…. He replace the realism with simple lines.

Please add these into this part:

1.If a simple symbol can express enough meaning, is it really necessary to have a high level of realism (the ability to copy from nature)? If you need the most simple and direct means to express a thing, how to retain its characteristics, but also artistic interest? Does the production of such highly refined graphics have other meanings? Does the graphics have to have a descriptive meaning, can the graphics not be separated from the functionality, but also beautiful? picasso said: “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”

2.how picasso’s cow helps to teach apple’s style

implifying the Bull: How Picasso Helps to Teach Apple’s Style


In ” From 2D to 3DLes Demoiselles d’ Avignon“, could you add :

<Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon>, one of Picasso’s masterpieces is the first work considered to be cubist. The different sides of the five women are all condensed in a single plane, showing different aesthetic characteristics with different structural combinations.

And the Abstract part, could ypu write less about Picasso himself? I want more sentences write about how we analyze Picasso’s painting, and how we compare his painting with today’s digital media.

Answer preview
Traditionally art which included paintings and drawings used to be appreciated with great magnitude. The artists themselves were not left behind, and special recognition was granted to them especially those that used to draw fine art. One of the artists was known as Pablo Picasso who came up with a unique way in which he used to draw and paint his artwork. In this paper we are going to look at Picasso’s life and a person and when he began to do his work of art. Something else in writing is the focus and the aim where we will try to explain the importance of the cubism art that Picasso introduced. We will also look at and analyze some of the famous artworks that he left after his death…
 (400 words)
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