Politics of film

Politics of film

Please help me with this discussion question for my theatre class. Here is everything you need!

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The film “What Men Want” is an outstanding production with Taraji Henson as the starring. The director, Adan Shankman, shows how discriminatory practices at the workplace are an issue for women, primarily if they are people of color like Henson. However, her power to listen to men’s thoughts becomes the gift that helps her soar to greater heights (Shankman, 2019). Shankman being an American citizen and gay, totally understands how discrimination feels. This is due to his sexual orientation and position as a White individual who knows how African Americans get discriminated against in society. If the storyline had been written and directed by a different person, the theme of racism and gender issues, such as sexism experienced by women, would not be expressed well. For instance, if the director were a heterosexual female of African American descent, the complex optics regarding women of color would not have been expressed effectively. In this case, issues like sexism and racism among women would lack depth in portrayal.


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