Position on Using the Rules of Pure Conduct

Position on Using the Rules of Pure Conduct

Position Essay

I attached the guide below.


  • 1000 – 1250 word
  • APA Style
  • At least one direct quote from three course texts
  • Supporting evidence from reliable outside sources as needed
  • Scoring “excellent” or “above average” on each rubric row

Students compose an essay outlining their position, attitude or intention towards the specified topic. The student’s position must be clearly identified, discussed and supported with evidence from reliable sources.

Once you accept the question, I will attach 7 pics you might use for the essay.


The quotes you will use are written on the word doc I attached, and they have to be those

the first rule is from the first book, the second rule from the second book, and the third rule from the third book

All the books references are on the word doc. You can see them there

Answer preview

Position on Using the Rules of Pure Conduct

People often place their personal preferences first and fail to consider the diversity in cultural beliefs, practices, and social issues. This makes it easy to get into the trap of condemning others based on self-beliefs that they are way better than others. This high state…

(1250 words)

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