Potential Investor Presentation
This is to be a professional PowerPoint presentation, so you must cite the sources used with pagenumbers and following proper APA format. This is a very short and powerful presentation that wouldinstantly capture the interest of a potential investor. You are to explain the value of your innovation, who will benefit from it, and explain the ROI. The final page of the PowerPoint is a Reference Page (using APA citation rules). In addition, PowerPoint presentations must follow the APA standards as well.
Fortune 500 Company: EXXON Mobil
Location: Riverside, CA
Innovation: A mobile fuel subscription service that will fuel your car while at work, home, or any location. Customers can schedule appointment by phone call or phone App. On top of the mobile fueling, each visit will check the customers, air pressure, and make sure fluids are top offed.
Answer preview
It is an innovation that is expected to bring about some benefits and add value in several ways. The first and most relevant is that it will save time for many customers. There are expectations that there will be a considerable saving of time as many customers will get their cars serviced in their home or workplace while they are busy doing other things. It will also increase the value of sales for the company as more market share will come as well as more sales in the region as a whole…
(7 slides)