For this discussion, you will locate an OD job description or job posting and attach the document to your response in the discussion forum. You may copy and paste the job description or posting into a Word document and attach it in the discussion forum. Keep in mind, a job posting is different from a job description and may not contain the detail needed for a proper analysis of the position.
There are times when an organization does not have a clear understanding of what the consultant does or how they do it. That lack of understanding might be evidenced in a job description, a job posting, or a request for proposal.
Analyze one OD consultant job description or posting and find the characteristics defined within the content. In your discussion post, include the important aspects of type, styles, and purpose. Determine if the consultant role is external or internal to the organization. Consider Table 3.3 (attached) as a resource for identifying skills of the consultant.
Guided Response: Your initial post must be specific and significant. You must attach a researched OD job description or job posting in your discussion response. The initial post must be between 250 and 300 words. You must support your post with at least two scholarly credible resources APA format.
The post’s necessary skills include evaluation capabilities, analysis and diagnosis strategic and implementation planning, collaboration and relationship building, conflict management, and risk-taking abilities. The google talent and Organizational Development Consultant post is needed to ease the organization’s operations. According to Smither et al. (2016), the average annual salary of an organization development consultant is approximately $86118. Often salaries depend on the company’s salary policy, statutory salary policies, professional expertise, and experience.