Practicing corporate social responsibility( CSR) in Companies

Practicing corporate social responsibility( CSR) in Companies

2 pages the 3rd page is for citations-Topic is a company’s written code of conduct and CSR statement VS. what they actually practice in doing business ethically. Choose a company that you use or buy from and compare what they say on the internet about their CSR and what they actually do in terms of their practices. You will research what has been written about them in the media etc. Have their policies made them more or less successful.

Could you help me to find some article about Amazon’s news about CSR statement and practice in doing business ethically in this paper and Quote these article? It is best to have 3 or 4 references in this paper。

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On December 19, 1998, the US House of Representatives voted for the Impeachment of President Bill Clinton following a sexual harassment scandal to Monica Lewinsky a White House intern for the 1995-1996 period. The Senate, however, voted not to remove Clinton from office on February 12, 1999.  President William Jefferson Clinton became the second president to be impeached by the House of Representatives in the US history. President Andrew Johnson was the first to be impeached in 1868. The most interesting phenomenon is the maintenance of impressive public approval ratings (Dahl, 2016). Bill Clinton was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. Many Republicans raised…

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