Precedent and Causation in Law Enforcement

Precedent and Causation in Law Enforcement


In this assignment, you will explain the concept of precedent, address how precedent has played a part in the evolution of criminal law, and how precedent-setting cases have provided interpretation for criminal law and criminal procedure in conjunction with the impact of these rulings on law enforcement in the context of causation. Complete the following:

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Resources and citations: Format according to APA guidelines.
  • Required page count: 3–4, not including the cover page or the references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Answer Preview
Often, it is found that people commit crimes that are repetitive in nature. This means that they often commit crimes that are similar to those that have been committed in the past. The conditions that surround the case often are similar or have minimal differences…
(1137 Words)
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