Prevention of Workplace Hazards

Prevention of Workplace Hazards

journal article

For this assignment, choose a journal article from the CSU Online Library that deals with any of the material presented in the first four units of this course.The article critique for this course must be at least one page in length, double-spaced, and must follow APA formatting.The Business Source Complete database is a good source of journals for safety related articles. If you have a specific area of interest that is covered later in the course, you may ask for professor approval. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Some suggested topics include:

the organizational role of the safety professional,the “business” of safety,

hazard avoidance models,

current regulatory trends in occupational safety and health,

the safety professional’s role in disaster preparedness,

workplace standards, and

current occupational health issues.

The Article Critique must include the following components:a brief introduction to the article;discuss action strategies to combat workplace hazards within the article; and describe concepts of exposure assessment, hierarchy of controls, workplace monitoring, and medical surveillance could be used to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses.

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This article that is entitled “Exposure assessment, a preventive process in managing workplace safety and health” was written by Tulashie, Addai, and Annan and it focuses on different strategies that can be used to prevent the hazards that tend to take place in working environments. The article states how occupational injuries…

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