Princess Mononoke

 Princess Mononoke

Discussion must be at least 750 words or more.

Watch Princess Mononoke, and then, analyze the film according to the previous four weeks’ reading. What does the film suggest about the causes and solutions of human alienation from nature? Do the film’s insights fit with Cronon (from Week One)? With White (from Week Two)? Is the film’s point of view closer to deep ecology or agrarianism (from Weeks Three and Four)?

Here are some statistical information you might find quite interesting regarding Princess Mononoke:


– It’s the highest grossing Japanese film in Japanese film history
– Rotten Tomatoes rating is 93% (quite good for anime)
– This movie is one of Roger Ebert’s top 10


Check out several reviews of the movie here:…

Answer Preview

Environmental themes are something that has gained a lot of popularity in the near past, this has been mainly due to the activities that human beings are engaging in and they are harming the environment, for instance, deforestation, pollution and global warming among others. One of the things that are shown in the film that leads to harming nature is mining; this is because it…

(781 Words)

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