Professional Email

Professional Email Using a Scenario Provided

Please see below for instructions regarding this assignment. And please…NO PLAGERISIAM!

Choose one of the professional scenarios provided (see attachment for a list of scenarios).

Write a Professional Email Message from the perspective of a character in the scenario. The email should discuss the communication issue provided in the scenario and should be addressed to another character from the scenario.

The message should take the form of an email; however, you will submit your assignment to the online course shell.

The professional email message must adhere to the following requirements:

1. Content:

  1. Address the communication issue from the scenario.
  2. Request a face-to-face meeting to discuss the issue (at a specific time).
  3. Concentrate on the facts of the situation and avoid using overly emotional language.
  4. Assume your recipient is learning about the situation for the first time through your communication.

2. Format:

  1. Use a descriptive subject line or heading.
  2. Include an appropriate and professional greeting / salutation.
  3. Use email form including: To:, From:, Subject:, and Signature.

3. Clarity / Mechanics:

  1. Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language/style requirements.
  2. Run spell/grammar check before submitting.

4. Your assignment must:

  1. This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

5. Submitting your assignment:

  1. Submit your assignment through the online course shell only.

6. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  1. Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.
  2. Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format.
  3. Analyze professional communication examples to assist in revision.

Answer preview

Good morning Mr. Tim Rice. I hope that you’re fairing-well since we last had a conference meeting.  I take this opportunity to alert you that our market campaign has not been performing well as expected.  The success of Knowledge Inc. heavily depends on its marketing.  When marketing is underperforming the entire activities of the firms are halted.  Knowledge Inc. operates in a competitive market where most of the competing firms are offering similar services as we do.  Losing a chance in marketing, not only affects the firm’s revenues, but it’s brand name slowly fades away.  At this time knowledge company Inc. can’t afford to lose a chance in the marketing. Marketing is an essential pillar in Knowledge Inc. because it informs the customers of the services we offer.  The audience needs to have a solid understanding of the services we offer, and it works.  Secondly, it helps…

(450 words)

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