project is now based on a workplace analysis

project is now based on a workplace analysis

Note: Use the attachments to answer the questions

Milestone Four of your final project is now based on a workplace analysis. You should use your previous milestone submissions regarding the case study to inform your workplace analysis. This milestone considers actual work experience and asks you to conduct a detailed and in-depth version of a root cause analysis applied to your own workplace experience.

This milestone will cover Section IV, Parts A, B, and C of the final project and should include the following critical elements:

  1. Explain actual workplace organizational issues drawing from your own experience.
  2. Analyze root causes from a human behavior perspective and validate the analysis with supportive research evidence.
  3. Examine the impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts.

For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric document and the Final Project Document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.


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Another issue that is evident from the current situation of the organization is the fact that there is production of poor quality products. Initially, the employees would produce high quality products and the organization would pride in having to sell high quality products to the consumers of the organization’s products. This has however changed and there is no assurance of the products that the organization is selling to the consumers. The manager of the organization is even hoping that the quality of the products the company is selling to the…
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