Provide a comparison of any three of the following major legal systems of the world

Provide a comparison of any three of the following major legal systems of the world

Provide a comparison of any three of the following major legal systems of the world: Common Law, Roman Law, Confucius Code, Hindu Law, and Islamic Law.

2). Evaluate how these legal systems affect trade agreements or corporations doing business within these systems.

3). Show any linkage there might be to current world legal systems by location or country.

4). Synthesize the results and determine if you can compare these with the progressive legal systems in the world.  4 pages; 4-5 references; APA.



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The major legal systems in the world are Roman law, Islamic law and Common law. These laws are used by different countries in the world which has made these laws to become famous. They possess some similarities and differences.

Roman law which is also referred to as Continental Law and Napoleonic Law was initially introduced by Napoleon. This law…

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