Psychological Survival

Psychological Survival

Write a well-documented (cite readings and lectures) essay that demonstrates in-depth knowledge that you have gained from the course. Develop this theme in a logical and cohesive essay with your conclusions indicated at the end of the essay. List the c

One of the broad themes of the Soul Beliefs course has been psychological survival.

Several different lectures and the associated readings have dealt with our social survival. Analyze the concept of psychological survival and address adaptations that have led to successful psychological survival. Be sure to include (a) the importance of psychological survival and (b) the adaptive significance of the traits involved.

In a 3-page double-spaced paper, write a well-documented (cite readings and lectures) essay that demonstrates in-depth knowledge that you have gained from the course. Develop this theme in a logical and cohesive essay with your conclusions indicated at the end of the essay. List the citations of the lectures and readings that you used in crafting your essay.

Be sure to include information from the following lectures: The evolution of religious behavior, the brain and our emotional future, thinking and feeling, evolution of the brain, evolutionary psychology, and the human spark.

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Psychology of survival is about the development of mental aspects in times of disaster and crisis for survival reasons. When people are exposed to threats, the way they react influences their survival. Whereas the default reaction is often evacuating to safety, people sometimes fail to move, and they end up perishing or getting injured. In Darwin’s theory of evolution, psychological survival is responsible for the survival of the fittest concept that has been used to justify the evolution of living organisms. While marking…


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