Psychology: Client Relationships rules and boundaries

Psychology: Client Relationships rules and boundaries

Psychology: Client Relationships

Share what this statement means to you: The key to ethical client relationships is to inform the prospective client of the rules and boundaries that you intend to firmly maintain.


Assess the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, discretion, non-malfeasance, justice and competence.

Requirements: 200 words


Answer  preview

Boundaries are the therapeutic relationship perimeters. Clear boundaries promote respect and trust between the client and the practitioner, and it also gives clarity about the nature and purpose of the relationship. Boundaries are made at the beginning of the session to be understood by both parties. Maintaining boundaries with clients is essential not to breach any standards of care and code of ethics (Michal, 2017). Many boundary-crossing involves no ethical behavior, and it may even be beneficial to the client depending on the context and setting of the treatment. However, there are several boundaries to consider in psychotherapy and canceling. For instance, the time, location, and the number of sessions. These are practical boundaries relevant to both parties so that professionalism can still be maintained.

280 words




















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