Public and private investigation Elements

Public and private investigation Elements

Detectives and investigators in the private and public sector must be mindful of and apply local, state, and federal laws. Investigations branch into different fields such as forensic investigation, legal investigation, corporate investigation, and financial investigations.

As a criminal justice student, you should examine your future career opportunities.

Conduct research, starting from the recommended reading on Private Detectives and Investigators and the US Department of Labor’s current statistical information. Compare and contrast the career opportunities in public and private investigations as they apply to the following:

Were you surprised by any of the information you discovered?

Answer Pewview

The employment rates in the career are not very high as they are estimated to be 50000 positions between 2014 and 2016. That is a difference of ten years and if one was to divide the years by the existing positions, she or he would conclude that there are close to twenty-five thousand…

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