Race and IQ

Race and IQ

In the 1960’s, Noble laureate and Professor of Engineering at Stanford University, William Shockley published an article in the U.S. News & World Report where he asks the question, (https://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/access/BBAOIK.pdf)

Shockley and scientists before him, most notably Arthur Jensen and Richard Herrnstein, felt that blacks consistently score lower on IQ tests than whites due to genetic inferiority. Shockley went so far as to state that African Americans are “genetically enslaved” due to DNA. Shockley also concluded that Asian could out perform whites on IQ tests. Yet, never in Shockley’s thinking did he question the accuracy of the IQ tests nor did he look at the social factors that impact a student’s test results.

Research the impact of both genetics and social factors in determining intelligence. Concerning the impact Shockley had upon the study of IQ and race.

1-2 pages, MLA format, look for a scholarly peer reviewed article to further develop the research paper.


Answer preview

The definition of intelligence is a topic that has been the subject of debate in most of the world by different scholars.  A lot of effort has gone into defining intelligence and the different factors that influence a person’s intelligence. From the numerous studies that have been conducted over time, it is evident that both genetic and environment has a significant influence on a person’s intelligence. A person genetic composition determines how well that person can communicate, solve problems, and interact with other people. A study by Plomin, Robert, and Sophie von Stumm observes that identical twins have intelligence quotient that is almost similar than those of fraternal twin (148…


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