Reading and Response: Roman Empire

Reading and Response: Roman Empire


Overview Roman Republic

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Overview reading on the Roman Empire

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Essay Prompt:

Coming from the US 21st century point of view, we often have very fixed ideas about the words “republic” and “imperial“. We tend to focus on the ideological differences and conclude that a Republic is fair, just and upheld by a social contract, while an imperial system by nature is harsh, brutal and, ultimately, a tyranny, but do you feel this was the case in Ancient Rome?

Based on your readings on both the Roman Republic and the Roman Empirewhich do you feel was the superior form of government in regard to its efficiency and functionality, leadership, treatment of citizens, economics, creativity and progress, etc., and why?

Answer preview

Rome republican began in 509BCE after overthrowing the last king. The new king had to serve a one-year term but with the same powers as the king. The transfer of Rome from the times of ancient Rome has many differences yet minor differences. The main key distinction between ancient Rome and the Republic is that republican Rome was unable to control the military, which leads to many killings due to many rounds of civil war.


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