
Short answers for American History

Out of the 4 choicesyou will choose 3 to answerPlease make sure you answer questions completely.

1.What were the goals of Reconstruction, and was it successful?

2. How did the Supreme Court’s decisions, the Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act intensify the conflict over slavery?

3. Why did Mexico encourage American settlement in their province of Texas and what consequences did this have?

4. Why did the Republican Party retreat from Reconstruction in the 1870s?

Answer preview
  1. What were the goals of Reconstruction, and was it successful?

The reconstruction begun as the war was drawing close to end; in this time the south had reunited with the union after the war. President Lincoln started restoration, and the goal of it was to reform southern regions political and the social institution so that the Northern industrialism could expand…

(750 words)
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