Reflect on the different sociological theories and concepts

Reflect on the different sociological theories and concepts


You will use critical thinking to evaluate those concepts and apply them to your work, homeand/or community life.

Write a two- page reflection paper that addresses the following requirements:

  1. Explain how sociological theories and concepts affect your workhomeand/or community life and influence your future learning opportunities.
  2. Identify a minimum of two different sociological concepts or theories you learned from this course and explain how you will applythese sociological concepts or theories to your work, homeand/or community life.
  3. Use specific sociological terms and concepts from the textbook readings in your paper to demonstrate that you understand and can apply the concepts.

Some examples of topics/concepts/theories that you can apply to your own life include (but are not limited to):

Create citations and a references list for any cited materials. Include a title page, and use 12-point font, double spacing, and two-inch margins for your paper.

Answer preview

Conflict Handling Style

A conflict handling style depends on the simplicity or complexity associated with conflict. Conflicts come from different sources. First, the battle might derive from goals and priorities related to an organization or group. The lack of adequately shared goals in a group might result in different individuals in the group to react through conflict. Also, personal conflicts are another source of conflict. Association with new and different people can remain difficult sometimes (Bain, 2018). If two new employees accept employment at a medical center, they might take time to build a bond over time. However, before the bond matures, conflicts may arise regarding different topics…

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