Reflection on the Architecture of Mexico City

Reflection on the Architecture of Mexico City

Who can write a one (full) page reflection in Latin American Research?

Write a one (full) page reflection on an essay in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Research. You can choose any topic you want and turn it in whenever you want. However, the topic must be relevant what we are discussing in class during the week.

The encyclopedia is on-line, through the UNC Library. It might take a few clicks, but don’t despair.

• If you are on a campus computer, you should be able to go directly to the section of Mexican History: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• Otherwise, go to the Library Home Page: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

• Click on “Databases A to Z.” Click on “O” then scroll down to Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Research. Click, then click on “Browse Subfields” and choose “Latin American History.” Then, to get to the essays related to Mexican history, you can chose any essay and the option for “Mexico” will appear. I know, kind of a pain. Hopefully the link above will get you there directly.

Answer preview

The architecture in Mexico City was inspired by the drastic urban and economic growth in the mid-20th century where other factors like advanced technology in construction transformed the architecture (Kathryn, 2017). Young and talented architects came up with monumental buildings which had an impact in the society. People like Juan O’Gorman and Luis Barragan are among the key contributors who came up with unique architectural designs that were classified as modern buildings.

I have realized that during this period, important buildings such as museums which had cultural significance in the…

(350 words)

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