Religion philosophy.

Let’s start with outlining Aquinas’s five steps! Respond here with identification of a step or stage and its meaning – please try to quote a specific line!

You don’t have write too much.

300-400words it’s enough.

Also, Rubric in the files.

Answer preview

The contingency argument is the third way, where God is presented as the necessary being. In this argument, “there exists a source of existence for the world as a whole, a necessary being” (Wojtysiak 289). If there were no necessary being, it would be possible to have nothing exist at all. Therefore, the fact that God exists cannot be contradicted because he is the one that causes all other things. The fourth way is the argument of being gradation, which implies an absolute being that influences other things’ perfection.   Among the existing beings, some are worse or better than others, meaning there is a perfect being used as the reference for the subjective standards.

[341 Words]

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