Research Methods

Research Methods

Choose Topic: Writing
Number of Pages:Question Description: Essentials of the Qualitative Method
Prepare a 5–7-slide PowerPoint presentation that illustrates the essential aspects of the qualitative method. Ensure that at least one slide addresses your fundamental understanding of the following aspects for the qualitative method:
• Qualitative research principles and traditions
• Types of qualitative research approaches or designs
• Qualitative sampling methods
• Methods used to collect verbal data for qualitative research
Ensure that your presentation includes a title slide and a References slide in addition to the 5–7 slides of content. Be sure that your slide content is appropriately cited by the relevant scholarly research guides in your course readings and other scholarly sources you will locate

Answer preview
  • Qualitative research helps understand how individuals experience and see the world.
  • It entails the analysis of collected non-numerical data like video, text, or audio to comprehend opinions, concepts, and experiences.
  • It also help gather in-depth insights into a challenge or problem.

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