Researching Sexuality

Researching Sexuality

  • Reflect on the information you have learned in your readings for Module 1, thinking about information related to human sexuality that you would like to know more about.
  • Formulate a research question.
  • Why would your research question be important to study?
  • What lessons did you learn from studies such as Kinsey’s and Master’s & Johnson’s that will help you design your own study?
  • Explain how you would go about investigating your research study (e.g., describe type of research method used, your sample, etc.).
  • Describe the ethical issues you will have to consider when designing your study.

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My research question is on whether it is okay to have more than one sexual partner. This research topic is very important in the current day considering the number of people who no longer value faithfulness and want to be responsible. The young people especially no longer see the essence of even getting into marriage as marriage might work to bar them from having more than one sexual partner going by things like bigamy and the likes. This study is also important because of the time that we are in with regard to the biasness…

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