Revitalization of Richmond Hill Downtown

Revitalization of Richmond Hill Downtown

The report is a minimum of 6 pages double space

Group Research Topic:

Regional Economic Development Experiential Group Project

Partner: The City of Richmond Hill


1. Your printed and bound report and presentation slides will be submitted to Richmond Hill and myself (5 people) as one document. The report is a minimum of 6 pages double space (not including cover page, table of contents appendices, citations, etc.). Any illustrations and other references within the report can be part of your appendix by referring to the illustration number in your report. 2. The citation for your report is MLA

ok wait a moment for this part

This is a project on how to make dontown of Richmond hill prosperous

The current state of Richmond hill is that the local residents are quite rich. The traffic volume of DT is also very high, but no one goes to DT and stays.

This project is divided into 6 groups. I am the 6th group. I will combine the data of the 2nd group and the ideas of the 5th group to give a decision.

We have already written the ppt of the speech, but need you to help us write the report part 6 pages

Focus on writing requirements and ideas of our group (ppt & outline)

It is also necessary to combine the data of group 2 and the ideas of group 5.

Eg. The second set of data analysis is that there are few entertainment restaurants in dt now … what are we going to do?

In essence, the contents of Group 2 and Group 5 are not so important. We just refer to it, mainly based on our own ideas of PPT.

We think that the local desolation is mainly because there is no feature. Our main idea is to create a characteristic town.

The two pictures are the ideas of group5. The things of group 5 are not complete. They are also changing. So just for reference, you do not match too much.

You just need to follow the group6’s outline and powerpoint to do the report. Are you clear now?

The most important documents are instructions and group6’s outline and powerpoint.

Answer preview

Revitalization of Richmond Hill Downtown

Cities whose populations are continuously increasing have to deal with new challenges related to hygiene, protection of the environment, and ensuring there is economic growth in the city. These cities at one point were vibrant, but with time, economic activities in the region declined, leading to a slump of the city’s economy. It is against such challenges that the revitalization of cities is based on. According to Brink (2016, 1), several downtowns in North America are being reinvented to make them competitive after years of decline. This…

(2050 words)

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