
Schizophrenia affects not only the patient suffering from the symptoms, but the family members of the affected patient, community members and the nursing/ medical team caring for the affected patient.

1. What do you think a family goes through who has a member who is suffering from schizophrenia?

2. Do you think a patient’s diagnosis of schizophrenia is easily accepted, it’s treatment compliance and acceptance of the diagnosis by the patient’s family differs based on culture? If yes, give examples. If no, give a reason.

3. Why do you think some schizophrenics have a hard time staying on medication?

Answer preview

Family members of patients with schizophrenia face many challenges. The disorganized behavior exhibited by patients with schizophrenia is sometimes perceived by family members as incomprehensible and sometimes frightening. Loss of income and disruption of household routines some of the examples of the practical, day-to-day problems and issues that a family member goes through (Frith, 2014). These patients also do not talk sense whenever they talk so it becomes a burden to the family members to get to know exactly what they want at those particular times. Psychological and emotional effects of mental illness on family members include feelings of grief and worry. Lastly, there is a population of people with schizophrenia who displays hostility and aggression…

(400 words)

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